Fabrication Shop in Waverly, NE

ESC Fabrication Shop

Located In Waverly.
Serving Worldwide.

Established in 2016 as a fabrication shop catering to Empire Netting and Fence, ESC (Empire Supply Company) has evolved into a comprehensive custom design, fabrication, and finishing facility.

Initially focused on gates and related items, we have expanded our expertise to include handrails, custom gates, shade structures, balconies, dugouts, and metal repairs. Working with steel, aluminum, and stainless steel, we take pride in delivering top-quality products.

In 2021, we acquired a finishing company, enabling us to offer painting and media blasting services. Our media blasting capabilities encompass various materials, tailored to each project’s requirements, including metal and fiberglass. Additionally, our paint shop is equipped to handle projects of all sizes, providing a wide array of color options to suit your preferences.


At our custom fabrication shop, our vision is to be the premier provider of exceptional, innovative, and tailored metal fabrication solutions. We strive to exceed customer expectations by delivering unparalleled craftsmanship, precise attention to detail, and unmatched quality in every project we undertake. With a commitment to continuous improvement and utilizing cutting-edge technologies, we aim to push the boundaries of creativity and functionality, transforming ideas into tangible, remarkable metal creations. Our vision is to be recognized as the go-to partner for clients seeking unrivaled expertise, reliability, and excellence in custom fabrication.